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On 23rd of April 2015, Mihai Șucan passed away due to metastatic cancer caused by RDEB.

My name is Mihai and I work on the Firefox developer tools. When it comes to web development, I like both server-side and client-side work. I am mainly interested in web browsers, web standards and related technologies.

Linux, Konqueror 4 and more

Sunday I upgraded my Ubuntu installation to the new version: Ubuntu 8.10. Almost three years ago I switched to using Linux exclusively. I haven't reinstalled Ubuntu since then. I always upgrade my system every 6 months, and then I spend a few days fixing post-upgrade issues. It's a pleasure. ;)

I am working on a new painting Web application. The greatest surprise to me was that the new Konqueror 4 implements <canvas>, and it does this theoretically better than Opera. I will make my Web application public and you will see this. Amazing and very quick work done by the Konqueror developers. Congratulations, guys!

Note: I initially thought that the Konqueror implementation of Canvas is just a copy of the code from Webkit, but it's not. They wrote their own code, which is great.

On a related note, I have published a new page with some of my Linux configuration files.