Class pwlib.extensions.colormixer
The Color Mixer extension.
Defined in: colormixer.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
<private> |
The "absolute maximum" value is determined based on the min/max values.
Holds the current color in several formats: RGB, HEX, HSV, CIE Lab, and
<private> |
Holds a reference to the 2D context of the color mixer Canvas element.
<private> |
Holds references to various DOM elements.
<private> |
Holds references to all the DOM input fields, for each color channel.
<private> |
Reference to the Color Mixer floating panel GUI component object.
<private> |
Reference to the Color Mixer tab panel GUI component object which holds the
<private> |
Reference to the Color Mixer tab panel GUI component object which holds the
Canvas used for color space visualisation and the color palettes selector.
Target input hooks.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
calc_m1x3(a, b)
Calculate the product of two matrices.
<private> |
Calculate the matrix inverse.
<private> |
Convert CMYK to RGB (internally).
Load a color palette.
<private> |
onreadystatechange event handler for the color palette
XMLHttpRequest object. |
<private> |
Show a color palette.
<private> |
Draw the color space visualisation.
<private> |
Draw the color slider on the Canvas element.
<private> |
The mouse events handler for the Canvas controls.
<private> |
change event handler for the Color Mixer inputs of
type=radio. |
<private> |
change event handler for the color palette input element. |
<private> |
click event handler for the Accept button. |
<private> |
click event handler for the Cancel button. |
<private> |
click event handler for colors in the color palette list. |
<private> |
click event handler for the "Pick color" button. |
<private> |
click event handler for the "Save color" button. |
<private> |
input and change event handler for all the
Color Mixer inputs. |
guiFloatingPanelStateChange event handler for the Color
Mixer panel. |
<private> |
guiTabActivate event handler for the tab panel which holds
the color mixer and the color palettes. |
Register the Color Mixer extension.
<private> |
Convert the hexadecimal representation of color to RGB values (internally).
Hide the Color Mixer floating panel.
<private> |
hsv2rgb(no_update, hsv)
Convert HSV to RGB.
<private> |
This function calculates lots of values used by the other CIE Lab-related
<private> |
Convert CIE Lab values to RGB values (internally).
<private> |
lab2xyz(cie_l, cie_a, cie_b)
Convert CIE Lab values to XYZ color values.
<private> |
Convert RGB to CMYK.
<private> |
Convert RGB to hexadecimal representation (internally).
<private> |
Convert RGB to HSV (internally).
<private> |
Convert RGB to CIE Lab (internally).
<private> |
Convert RGB values to XYZ color values.
show(target, color)
Show the Color Mixer.
<private> |
update_canvas(updated_ckey, force)
Update the color space visualisation.
<private> |
update_ckey_active(ckey, only_vars)
Update the active color key.
Update the current color.
<private> |
Recalculate the dimensions and coordinates for the slider and for the color
space visualisation within the Canvas element.
<private> |
Update the color inputs.
<private> |
Update the color preview.
<private> |
Convert XYZ color values into CIE Lab values.
<private> |
Convert XYZ color values to RGB.
- Parameters:
- {PaintWeb} app
- Reference to the main paint application object.
which is invoked by this extension when the Color Mixer panel shows up on screen.hide()
which is invoked when the Color Mixer panel is hidden from the screen.
The object must also hold information about the associated configuration property: configProperty, configGroup and configGroupRef.
Matrices are one-dimensional arrays of the form [a0, a1, a2, ...,
b0, b1, b2, ...]
where each element from the matrix is given in
order, from the left to the right, row by row from the top to the bottom.
- Parameters:
- {Array} a
- The first matrix must be one row and three columns.
- {Array} b
- The second matrix must be three rows and three columns.
- Returns:
- {Array} The matrix product, one row and three columns.
Matrices are one-dimensional arrays of the form [a0, a1, a2, ...,
b0, b1, b2, ...]
where each element from the matrix is given in
order, from the left to the right, row by row from the top to the bottom.
- Parameters:
- {Array} m
- The square matrix which must have three rows and three columns.
- Returns:
- {Array|false} The computed matrix inverse, or false if the matrix determinant was 0 - the given matrix is not invertible.
- Parameters:
- {String} id
- The color palette ID.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True if the load was successful, or false if not.
event handler for the color palette
XMLHttpRequest object.
- Parameters:
- {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
- The XMLHttpRequest object.
- Parameters:
- {Array} colors
- The array which holds each color in the palette.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True if the operation was successful, or false if not.
- Parameters:
- {String} updated_ckey
- The color key that was updated. This is used to determine if the Canvas needs to be updated or not.
- Parameters:
- {String} updated_ckey
- The color key that was updated. This is used to determine if the Canvas needs to be updated or not.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
event handler for the Color Mixer inputs of
type=radio. This method allows users to change the active color key - used
for the color space visualisation.
event handler for the color palette input element.
This loads the color palette the user selected.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
event handler for the Accept button. This method
dispatches the pwlib.appEvent.configChange application event for
the configuration property associated to the target input, and hides the
Color Mixer floating panel.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
event handler for the Cancel button. This method
hides the Color Mixer floating panel.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
event handler for colors in the color palette list.
This event handler is also used for the "old color" element. This method
updates the color mixer to use the color the user picked.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
event handler for the "Pick color" button. This
method activates the color picker tool.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
event handler for the "Save color" button. This
method adds the current color into the "_saved" color palette.
- Parameters:
- {Event} ev
- The DOM Event object.
and change
event handler for all the
Color Mixer inputs.
event handler for the Color
Mixer panel. This method ensures the Color Mixer is properly closed.
- Parameters:
- {pwlib.appEvent.guiFloatingPanelStateChange} ev
- The application event object.
event handler for the tab panel which holds
the color mixer and the color palettes. When switching back to the color
mixer, this method updates the Canvas.
- Parameters:
- {pwlib.appEvent.guiTabActivate} ev
- The application event object.
- Parameters:
- ev
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True if the extension can be registered properly, or false if not.
method provided by the target input.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} no_update Optional
- Tells the function to not update the internal RGB color values.
- {Array} hsv Optional
- The array holding the HSV values you want to convert to RGB. This array must have three elements ordered as: hue, saturation and value - all between 0 and 1. If you do not provide the array, then the internal HSV color values are used.
- Returns:
- {Array} The RGB values converted from HSV. The array has three elements ordered as: red, green and blue - all with values between 0 and 1.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True if the initialization was successful, or false if not.
- Parameters:
- {Number} cie_l
- The color lightness value.
- {Number} cie_a
- The a* color opponent.
- {Number} cie_b
- The b* color opponent.
- Returns:
- {Array} An array holding the XYZ color values in order: X, Y and Z.
- Parameters:
- {Array} rgb
- The array holding the RGB values in order: red, green and blue.
- Returns:
- {Array} An array holding the XYZ color values in order: X, Y and Z.
- Parameters:
- {Object} target
- The target input object.
- {Object} color
- The color you want to set before the Color Mixer is shown. The object must have four properties: red, green, blue and alpha. All the values must be between 0 and 1. This color becomes the "active color" and the "old color".
- See:
- this.targetInput for more information about the target object.
- Parameters:
- {String} updated_ckey
- The color key that was updated.
- {Boolean} force Optional, Default: false
- Tells the function to force an update. The Canvas is not updated when the color mixer panel is not visible.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} If the operation was successful, or false if not.
- Parameters:
- {String} ckey
- The color key you want to be active.
- {Boolean} only_vars Optional
- Tells if you want only the variables to be updated - no Canvas updates. This is true only during the Color Mixer initialization.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True if the operation was successful, or false if not.
You need to call this function whenever you update the color manually.
- Parameters:
- {String} ckey
- The color key that was updated.
This method is an event handler for the pwlib.appEvent.canvasSizeChange application event.
- Parameters:
- {Array} xyz
- The array holding the XYZ color values in order: X, Y and Z.
- Returns:
- {Array} An array holding the CIE Lab values in order: L, a and b.
- Parameters:
- {Array} xyz
- The array holding the XYZ color values in order: X, Y and Z
- Returns:
- {Array} An array holding the RGB values in order: red, green and blue.