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Class pwlib.appEvent.imageSaveResult

Extends pwlib.appEvent.
The image save result event. This event is not cancelable.
Defined in: lib.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
pwlib.appEvent.imageSaveResult(successful, url, urlNew)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Tells if the image save was successful or not.
The image address.
The new image address.
Fields borrowed from class pwlib.appEvent:
cancelable, defaultPrevented, target, type
Methods borrowed from class pwlib.appEvent:
preventDefault, stopPropagation, toString
Class Detail
pwlib.appEvent.imageSaveResult(successful, url, urlNew)
{Boolean} successful
Tells if the image save was successful or not.
{String} url Optional
The image address.
{String} urlNew Optional
The new image address. Provide this parameter, if, for example, you allow saving images from a remote server to a local server. In such cases the image address changes.
Field Detail
{String} successful
Tells if the image save was successful or not.

{String|null} url
The image address.

{String|null} urlNew
The new image address.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Sat Jun 26 2010 21:57:00 GMT+0300 (EEST)