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Class pwlib.appEvent

Custom application event.
Defined in: lib.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
pwlib.appEvent(type, cancelable)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Tells if the event can be cancelled or not.
Tells if the event has the default action prevented or not.
Event target object.
Event type.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Prevent the default action of the event.
Stop the event propagation to other event handlers.
Class Detail
pwlib.appEvent(type, cancelable)
{String} type
Event type.
{Boolean} cancelable Optional, Default: false
Tells if the event can be cancelled or not.
If the type parameter is not a string.
If the cancelable parameter is not a string.
pwlib.appEvents for the application events interface which allows adding and removing event listeners.
Field Detail
{Boolean} cancelable
Tells if the event can be cancelled or not.

{Boolean} defaultPrevented
Tells if the event has the default action prevented or not.

{Object} target
Event target object.

{String} type
Event type.
Method Detail
Prevent the default action of the event.

Stop the event propagation to other event handlers.


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